Saturday 7 June 2008

Final Final Finish Final Thing...

Massive effort but it's all finished... Check out the video, but preferably watch the higher quality version it or download it at:

Let me know what you think..!!

Ben :)

Thursday 5 June 2008

Close.. But No Cigar.... Yet!

Well the time of hand-in has nearly arrived and I've basically not slept very much, rendered everything, and most of the way through the compositing.. these are a couple of initial comp's to get your taste bud going.. The next post should be the final piece.. Wish Me Luck...

Wednesday 28 May 2008

Got the MoCap & Started to Apply..

Hello.. I've been up for 36 hours working hard: dummy geometry for both shots (DONE), and now also have my MoCap Data.. Cheers for the superb work Andy Cousins.. also thanks to Jo Plaete for converting the fbx file to a .mmd for me.. So with the data in hand/on computer, I'm now applying my systems to it.. Here are a couple of image of some cool FX I'm getting... I'm still trying to decided what the overall movement, length, size of the trails should be.. but these images show the aesthetic I like and want to get across.. More coming soon....

Monday 26 May 2008

Shot One: Tracked & Dummy Geo'd

He's a couple of flipbook renders showing the first out to the two shots, track and dummy geometry in place.. I'm straight onto shot two now..
I word on the MoCap... I'll be getting it hopefully by Tuesday evening, so then it's all systems go to apply everything I've developed and render the beast.. So apologies in advance for any lack of blogging... Have a good Bank Holiday Monday... I know i will :P

Monumental Banana Skin RESOLVED... :)

I've been tearing my hair out over the last couple of days... and seriously worried about the destination of my project... even drafted 'Plan B'... But I managed to get it working..
The problem basically, was when I came to implement my collision particles inside an animated form, it didn't bloody work... But I resolved it after losing half my scalp by simple using a imported triangulated version of the model Mr Staber kindly sent me, rather than triangulating the model inside in Houdini.. Simple when you know how.. anyways.. here is a quick render of the animation Kris sent me, and the particles bouncing around inside.. They need controlling a bit, and a few escape.. But Fluff That, It WORKS!!!....

Monday 19 May 2008

"SOLD" To The Man Made Out Of Trails

LOCATION........I went for a reshoot last Thursday as mention a couple of posts ago.. I shot at the same venue as my test shoot (Merryfield Park in Sopley), but not the same buildings (couldn't get permission, we didn't ask last time). So I hunted around, and found two different buildings, and the video's below show the location I have chosen for now!!! I need to have a tutorial really to discuss, but I'm happy with these shots. The room's in the new location were alot larger allowing me to film a wider shot for the character to be framed in... So what's going to happen in these shots? I hear you cry!!

SHOT 1: Trails will birth from the floor in the foreground, and as the camera pan's up the character will start to be revealed by another set of trails building his structure (from the feet), as he walking away from the camera, toward the room. As the shot progresses and he will start to be formed and the trails from the ground will continue to birth following him almost like his path..

SHOT 2: This shot is a continuation of the previous. The character will start to enter the room, and as he does he falls (for know real reason, but it'll be dramatic, I did the MoCap after all), and the trails (kind of) disperse and flurry into the room as the camera continues to pan..

Oh, before go.. I've got a preliminary soundtrack with the edit, but won't unleash that on you until I've done a bit of colour grading.. :)

MoCap Take Two...

Had a MoCap session today.. Wasn't too sure exactly what i wanted (nothing changes), but after a quick brainstorm in the studio, I've decided to end the animation with the character falling!!! and yes it hurt.. So basically the character will walk down the corridor and then enter a room in which he/she will stumble and fall. Here are some videos exported from MotionBuilder (I think, correct me if I'm wrong Andy), just to show you the walk, and the fall.. They will be 'Blended' together in Blender by Mr Cousins so the motion transition will be seamless... Check raw data videos out anyways..


Actual Light Emitting Trails.. First Test.

Hello... I've managed to get the light instancing working with my trails.. this is a rough comp to see how it integrates. Need quite a bit more work to get it looking ok. I can get away with a lot in comp, but I need to get more out of Houdini so the effects don't look overly 2D. Check the video anyway, but no doubt there be another one coming soon, probably after I track my final footage.. p.s Got MoCap tomorrow/today, I have a bad back so forgive me if you notice the chararter hobbling a bit :) to be continued...

Friday 16 May 2008

Flip I'm Tired.. Personal Research Submitted though.

I haven't posted for a while due to the hand-in date of our Personal Research project being today. And yes I've been up all night but finally managed to collate my website, and it'll be on the NCCA Personal Research site soon, I'll keep you posted..
I chose to research Matchmoving, because I knew absolutely nothing about it. I wanted to tie in the research with my project, so I can now track my own shots and not have to rely on Cleve and Tom.. The video below is from the test shoot I did, and I've basically tracked the shot, added a Rigid Body Dynamic simulation and a rough comp for integration. Anyways I guess it's cool, and I'm pleased I actually managed to the thing working..
Oh before you see the video, I've been back to the location for my final shoot and waiting to digitise it, as soon as I do I'll let you know..

Thursday 8 May 2008

Test The Nation About It's Location

I went for a test shoot to that amazing location I showed in an earlier post... This is some of the footage and also some photo's we took.. Also had a little time to have some fun doing some light graffiti.. :P Photo's By A Sir Ben Dick...