Friday, 16 May 2008

Flip I'm Tired.. Personal Research Submitted though.

I haven't posted for a while due to the hand-in date of our Personal Research project being today. And yes I've been up all night but finally managed to collate my website, and it'll be on the NCCA Personal Research site soon, I'll keep you posted..
I chose to research Matchmoving, because I knew absolutely nothing about it. I wanted to tie in the research with my project, so I can now track my own shots and not have to rely on Cleve and Tom.. The video below is from the test shoot I did, and I've basically tracked the shot, added a Rigid Body Dynamic simulation and a rough comp for integration. Anyways I guess it's cool, and I'm pleased I actually managed to the thing working..
Oh before you see the video, I've been back to the location for my final shoot and waiting to digitise it, as soon as I do I'll let you know..

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